Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Involving the community in my classroom

Today's @teachthought blogging challenge asks bloggers to:

Write about one way that you “meaningfully” involve the community in the learning in your classroom. If you don’t yet do so, discuss one way you could get started.

Er... Um... Er... I once had a parent come in to speak to a class about their job as a hydrologist, thus making them feel valued? The geography department keeps a battery recycling box which we periodically take to the council tip? I'm really struggling here... 

What more could be done? I guess we could blog more to connect with the world beyond the classroom door. I've heard great things about lessons in which experts have answered questions via Twitter. I tend to feel, particularly for examination classes, that there's a syllabus to get through and that  I can't risk arresting progress in order to tick some box ordained by bleeding-heart liberals. But I'm not totally cynical, honest. I'll read other people's posts on this with interest and see if I can find out what it is I should be doing...


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