Thursday, 18 September 2014

My three strengths as an educator....

Today's @TeachThought blogging challenge asks teachers to cast modesty aside and name their three biggest strengths.

Here are mine:
  1. I always put my classroom teaching first. There are a hundred and one other demands on teachers' time (crazy, I know - how did we create such a system?!) but I view prioritising my teaching as a non-negotiable. If you don't spend adequate time planning, marking and focusing on the craft of teaching you very rapidly lose credibility in a school. Rightly so.
  2. I am ruthlessly efficient with paperwork. I may be a little OCD about my inbox, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Clearing my desk frequently and efficiently gives me a huge sense of satisfaction and I hope is something colleagues thank me for.
  3. I don't take myself too seriously. Life's too short. The ability to have a laugh and a joke with pupils and colleagues - even at my own expense - is something I cherish very dearly.
And on that rather pompous note, I'll end this little post.


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