Thursday, 16 January 2014

A teacher is...

Today is day 18 of the @TeachThought 30-day blogging challenge (where is September going?) Today's prompt is:

Create a metaphor/simile/analogy that describes your teaching philosophy. For example, "A teacher is a ________…”

I thought I'd be facetious with this one:

A teacher is like a cliff: covered in chalk and prone to sudden collapses.
Teaching is like Facebook: time-consuming, strangely addictive, but you'll never make any money out of it.
Tweachers are like Chromebooks - bright, shiny, full of new ideas, but pretty useless without an internet connection.

Do comment if you can think of any more...

And just for the hell of it, a limerick with a Scottish theme:
The was a young teacher from FalkirkWho made his students do workIf he ever had troubleHe made them do doubleThat clever young teacher from Falkirk

Now back to work!


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