Sunday, 2 October 2022

Supply teaching

 A gap between our trip from MCS to MCUK and our longer ride presented the opportunity for some supply teaching.

This has been a hugely valuable professional experience placing me firmly back in the classroom and offering an insight into a variety of different schools. I've picked up lessons in French, chemistry, maths, drama, geography and English. 

Having been prepared for the worst, in the main I've been pleasantly surprised by the behaviour of the pupils - the vast majority have been polite, helpful and keen to learn.

I make no bones about it though: this is a tough way to earn a living. The call comes in at around 0730 and I could be off to anywhere within a radius of 50 miles or so. Sometimes the work set is best described as 'dry' and so maintaining the pupils' interest in it, whilst having neither the time nor authority to deviate from what's been set, can be a hard gig.

It pays to be well prepared:

  • lunch packed
  • work clothes on
  • bag packed with:
    • board pens
    • spare pens and paper
    • 'emergency' ideas for generic lessons (in the rare instances where no work has been set)
    • laptop with an adaptor for VGI and HDMI cables

As soon as I arrive and sign in I've found it pays to make verbal contact with a senior member of staff to announce my presence and get a feel for the conventions. Then I'm into it - five hours straight usually with a short break for lunch...
