Monday, 15 September 2014

A rather random post...

Today's @teachthough blogging post asks some pretty random questions. Here goes:

Share five random facts about yourself.
1. I weigh 16 stone and am 6"1'tall.
2. My favourite place on earth is the Langdale Valley, Cumbria.
3. I once pulled the emergency cord on a high-speed inter-city train.
4. I'm deaf in my right ear.
5. I really, really want the United Kingdon to remain united. It is my home.
Share four things from your bucket list.
1. Complete the Bob Graham Round.
2. Complete by doctorate (an EdD at Birmingham University).
3. Cycle the Pacific Coast Highway.
4. Get 1000+ followers (without cheating!) on Twitter.
Share three things that you hope for this year, as a “person” or an educator.
1. Put the finishing touches to @oswestryschool's tracking system so that it all just works.
2. Slow down and listen more.
3. Get to grips with Google Apps Script.
Share two things that have made you laugh or cry as an educator.
1. An exam script mentioning 'dangerous bread pollution in the North Sea from people feeding the ducks'.
2. Some of the 'anglicized' names our overseas contingent @oswestryschool are advised to adopt by their agents. It would be cruel to mention specifics, but some really are very silly and eye-wateringly funny.
Share one thing you wish more people knew about you.
1. I really, really don't like jobsworths...


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