Sunday, 26 April 2020

The COVID Dividend

IN+ | Covid-19: measures and recommendations at IN+

When/if our current situation comes to an end I hope there will be some benefits that come out of it; not least in a bit of a change of priorities. Here are the things I hope I won't forget:
  1. Physical health is precious and is best maintained by regular physical exercise. In the past, I dropped exercise when things felt a bit too busy at work. In the future, I hope I'll drop the work when things feel a bit too busy to exercise.
  2. Contact with friends and family makes you feel better and ultimately is what life is all about. These days it requires next to no effort. I hope I'll make more of an effort in the future to connect with the people who make me happy.
  3. Always spend way less than you earn. Spending money doesn't make you happy, but not having to worry significantly reduces the chance that you'll be unhappy. Work towards being able to live in a crisis with at a burn rate that means you'll always be okay.
  4. However annoying your current circumstances, there are people way worse off than you. Be grateful, be kind.


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